Our current focus is the island of Madagascar. Our goal is not to "save Madagascar". Our purpose is to provide the tools needed to empower the Malagasy people to find innovative solutions to help themselves. We are inspiring and motivating youth throughout the world, raising awareness of local and global conservation challenges. We are all connected, sharing ONE WORLD. What happens there affects us here. By helping others, we are ultimately helping ourselves and creating a brighter future!
We are adventurous, creative and pursue growth. Identifying passions and promoting individual and team growth, while embracing change, supporting sustainable business and treating others with respect. CF is an action-oriented organization, ready to take the next step putting ideas into action, resulting in positive change for people, wildlife and our planet.

Susie Louis
Founder & Director
Susie is the founder and director of Conservation Fusion. Her life-long love of plants, animals and the environment led to an extensive career at the Omaha Zoo. Conservation Fusion began as a dream. Always passionate about animals, science, the environment and kids, she soon found the perfect niche in connecting children to the environment through education to promote conservation.

Innocente Maminjanahary
Malagasy Education Coordinator
Innocente is our local Field Education Coordinator in Kianjavato. She is busy working full time managing tree planting, school programs, eco-clubs and serves as a mentor for our Beth Armstrong scholars. Innocente leads the way in empowering women entrepreneurs and writing new songs.

Edward Louis Jr.
Board Member
Edward is the Director of Conservation Genetics at the Omaha Zoo and Director of the Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership, a Malagasy NGO. A PhD in molecular genetics and a Veterinary degree have taken Louis to all corners of the world. His research and his heart have made a home in Madagascar for the last 25 years.

Naomi Deines
Board Member
Naomi holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration and MBA from Bellevue University and brings her knowledge of operations management along with experience in business organization and strength in strategic planning.

Brock Blevins
Board Member
Brock has a Bachelors degree in Science and has worked on multiple innovative and ground breaking research in reproductive physiology and conservation. currently serves as the Membership Coordinator for the North American and Caribbean Regional Network of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management.


Wesley A. Siebert
Principal Financial
Wesley attended the University of Nebraska Omaha and holds his FINRA 7 & 66 securities registrations as well as his Life & Health Insurance License. For the past 6 years he has held the Membership Chair for NAIFA. He is involved in his community through several non-profits including Conservation Fusion .